
my new life

good to see right here...
i have a new blog...
the old blog i would not write anymore...
i have begun my new life...
it seems to be a good life for me...
it will become my new memory islnad...
pain,sorrow,happiness etc...
the Brickfields College seems to call me yesterday...
i think it's going to enrol...
but i think i have to make my mind right now...
i just wanna be more happy in my life...
since it was a new beginning...it shows me the new journey i have to move on...
god does give me a brand new life...
i am going to face more challenges...
but i would enjoy it...
it would good to be here...
enjoy holiday's life...
spend it with some meaningful activities...
i would love to share my life to all of the visitors of my blog...
i wont keep it as secret...
because i dont have any secert with me...
smile everyday...
since it was...
My Memory Island

